Making a statement

Noxyrsox gets bored in traffic…

One thing I love about driving in traffic is that you get the opportunity to read the bizarre bumper stickers that proudly adorn the boot of many a vehicle. They are guaranteed to make you laugh out loud or at least crack a smile (depending on how bad the traffic is).
This morning I saw a great one and in sharing it with you I include some other classics:…

A snake is a snake
When days are dark friends are few.
What are you staring at asshole?
A black man is always a suspect.
A white man is always a racist. (You have to maintain a sense of humour in this country!)
Beautiful lover
My other car is a Ferrari
Don’t talk to me, talk to my lawyer.

And then I love the classic mickey-mouse-pulling-a-zap-sign stickers and the iconic marijuana leaf which I don’t think is going to get you anywhere when the police pull you over but hey, it looks cool.

Keep your eyes open for stickers and the names of taxis – they are bound to brighten up your drive to work!

‘Thanx God I’m a Black man’ – says editista.


Author: admin

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