Mo’nique gives Paris a FAT Chance

moniqueWhile we’re on the topic of new TV shows, and rather than focus on the dreary ‘real world’ on this balmy Mon morn’, let’s amuse ourselves with larger than life comedian and actress Mo’nique and her new reality show FAT CHANCE taking place in Paris. We love it.

A bunch of buxom ladies get to hang out and just be their fabulous voluptuous selves with Mo’nique in the French capital, telling their backstories, sharing their lives and celebrating being plus sized .  Ultimately the ladies are competing for the title of “Miss F.A.T” , the show features them learning how to strut their booty with the goal of winning the “FAT” beauty pageant.  Nice change.  

Mo’nique’s star continues to rise as her natural talent and exceptional goedspa see her diversifying into all kinds of ventures:

“Mo’Nique has become a role model for voluptuous women everywhere, proving that you don’t have to be a size 0 to be sexy and fabulous.  Her musings on life are featured in the best-selling book entitled Skinny Women are Evil published by Atria Books, a division of Simon & Schuster. Released in April 2003, the book quickly became a New York Times bestseller.   She recently released with co-author Sherri McGee McCovey a follow-up called Skinny Cooks Can’t Be Trusted for Amistad Press, a division of HarperCollins.

In addition to Mo’Nique’s F.A.T. Chance: Paris, Mo’Nique is currently hosting the VH1 hit Charm School.  Recently Mo’Nique’s stand up comedy special I Coulda Been Your Cellmate aired on Showtime Television. The special was also released on DVD by Salient Media.  Mo’Nique is currently shooting the feature film The Better Man opposite Martin Lawrence.  ”

Check out the show here and search YouTube for clips from the last few seasons.

Author: admin

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