Pole Dancing – the new girls night out

TRUETHING – you’re turning out to be one naughty PARTY GIRL citizen journalist, thanks for this delicious article on GIRLS NIGHT OUTS – If you’re looking for more info, check out this (badly designed) webiste strippers.co.za.


Just in case you didn’t know. Females have taken the concept of “a gi…
rls’ night out” to a whole other level. In the last month I have received three invitations to pole dancing evenings.

What?…I hear you thinking. You read it correctly, a pole dancing evening. Now…hang on, these are very civil and cultured if you can call them that. Typically a group of four ladies come to your home bearing a silver pole, which is installed in the middle of your lounge (assuming that is your chosen space for the gathering).

The installation of “Roger” (the pole) happens in less than two minutes: no bolts, nails or any unsightly holes remain in your ceiling.

In order to host these evenings you need to invite 10 girlfriends to your home and each pay a fee of R110.00. For this you get four experts (none of them have ever worked in the sex trade- though by what they do one can’t help but wonder through out the evening)

The first lady to come up is the MC so she helps you settles in, you all drink a little and dance to some music.

The Second lady helps you make peace with your body (flabby stomach and all) by talking you through why women carry the insecurities and shame they do about their body. By the time she is done with you, you’ll be forgiven for thinking you are a sex goddess.

The third lady is the master of Toys she has every toy imaginable. All on sale of cause. Yes…I bought myself some and have been brave enough to use one or two. Anyway that’s another story all together.

Then the fourth is the pole master she shows you how to work the pole – her explanation is “:the pole is a good source of exercise cheap and easy to work and can be used in the comfort of your own home”. She even allows you to try the moves on her pole if you are brave enough.

All in all the evening really is a pole lot of fun and all of us women walk out feeling really desirable. Plus we learn a few tricks we can pull on a lucky willing mate.

Have to say… I’m not sure if I am encouraging these parties, but I sure am glad that I experienced them. Not sure if I’ll be doing it again though – it gets very repetitive after experiencing it three times.

Author: admin

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