Support Michaelis 4th years CT tonight.
Lovers of art in Cape Town support the next breed of artists coming through the ranks by attending the 4th year of Michaelis School of Fine Art students at their “early friday pub” fund-raising and networking endeavours. There’s one tonight which is so early for a Friday it’s on a Thursday! Click on the flyer for more but here’s the scoop: We’re the 4th years of Michaelis School of Fine Art, it’s our final year and we need to raise money for a catalogue of essays and student’s work to be published at the end of the year. For this reason we have picked up on something that was started by graduates of a previous year – the early friday pub – which provides students, the art community (and anyone and everyone else, 18 and over) to network, party and shake their rump. Every week since the beginning of March Early Fridays have featured a different theme of music, DJs, dress code and other specials, while the tequila raffle has become a returning feature – lately forming part of an established artist’s special edition series (a future investment?!). We’ll continue Early Fridays throughout May, and possibly right till the end of the year. Upcoming Fridays are: Thu 26/4 – Early Early Friday: New Media DJs & VJs, bottle by James Webb. Fri 4/5 – Early Friday Art Stars: DJs Joao Ferreira (tbc), Suzie Bell and Ed Young. Featuring polaroid booth Fri 11/5 – Early Friday Sexy Death (rock night): assorted DJs and dress up Fri 18/5 – Early Friday Karaoke with competition, dress up and more Always 4-8pm, always The Waiting Room 273 Long Street, always...
Say what?
Feeling in a little bit of a sentimental mood we decided to ask some friends for a few of their favourite sayings/proverbs/expressions that have stuck with them through the years. There’s something comforting in the words passed down from a teacher, a parent, an elder or a favourite book – don’t ya think? Stay with us while we get deep – we’ve got a few more to come including some Tswana sayings from Boogie. Please share yours lists with us in the comments section. Keep it tidy! MostlySunny never trust a person who doesn’t have a tan in summer the only thing you should sign without reading is a birthday card when poverty comes in the door love goes out the window fine feathers make fine birds your word is your bond honesty is the best policy Chesario makes it a little more interesting – see if you know ’em You scratch my back. . . . . Pride comes before . . . Give a man a fish. .. Make hay. . . s/he who laughs last. . . . The early bird. . . Don’t leave for tomorrow. . . What you put in . . . Durban D-Va Necessity is the mother of invention. A boer maak ‘n plan. Look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves. It’s no use crying over spilled milk. Do as I say, not as I do Sisiwami Familiarity breeds contempt Maintain the high ground Reading is the fountain of knowledge Don’t look a gifthorse in the mouth Do unto others as you would have done unto you Many a true word is said in jest Birds of a feather flock together You can’t take it with you Nothing in life is free Debza No-one can ask for more than your best Be careful what you wish for If you got nothing nice to say, say as little as possible A silver lining is better than 3 in the bush Don’t sweat the small stuff If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it Don’t dream it, be it! Afrodaffodil “never say never’! “what doesnt kill you makes you stronger” Aquoibon Even a clock that is not going is right twice a day Speak the truth, but leave immediately after It is easier to believe than to go and ask Don’t approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side. Do not seek the truth, only cease to cherish your opinions Pray to God, but keep rowing to the shore To call upon its posterity,...
Represent Review: Bunny Chow
Thanks to Wena a hot up-and-coming film maker for her impromptu review of the movie Bunny Chow. What are your thoughts on the film readers? My take on Bunny Chow Finally a South African movie about nothing. No big issues. No politics. No HIV/Aids. No morals. Just small talk, alcohol, drugs and sex that equate to boys being bad and girls being sad. It was an extraordinary experience seeing a new generation of story-tellers who don’t give damn about issues. Its funny how refreshing that can be. The plot-line follows no real story and the dialogue is far from tight. It all risks flat-lining over 90 minutes, however a few truly hilarious typical South African moments save the day. The dudes are funny, they’re comedians. The film is shot in back and white with interesting angles and backdrops, but its a great pity that the characters who we really need to see were obscured in darkness for most of the film. The film has a look and its definitely the ‘retro low budget, no light, bad sound’ look. As a bonus it sports a pumping sound track and tons of corporate logos at the end of the credits. So if you’re into Bunny Chow, this is your movie, dude. On a serous note. Do see the movie with chow. Ciao and lots of love ...
CT International Jazz Festival – AWESOME!
Thanks to PANDA who outdid herself and attended nearly every live performance at the 2007 Cape Town International Jazz Festival on behalf of Represent. Gel you know you rock! See her stunning pics of the festival in our photoblog here. In a nutshell, she rated Leela James, Lira and HHP as her highlights… we LOVE them all and wish we could have been there! Read all about it here: Jazz is an almost useless term to describe the variety of music at this gathering of musicians, producers, media and enthusiasts from all over the world. If music was as popular as cricket, I can guarantee, South Africans would be sitting in bars all over South Africa celebrating the success of our local artists, dissecting each composition and the Cape Town International Jazz Festival would be one of the many music festival events populating everyone’s social calendars. We’d be spared Guns & Roses and the rest of the B-list international acts that come out here, in favour of only the best current and most inspirational music. They’d have to hold all events in stadiums and sell season tickets, and broadcast live for days on our national channels and our musicians will get the attention they deserve. African music has inspired jazz, rock and roll, hip hop and R&B across the world. We have every reason to be proud. I can’t think of anything better than sitting on a fold up chair in the autumnal Cape sun watching the artful string pickings and soulful trumpetings of our countrymen and other international stars sipping on a something something and watching the beautiful people stroll serenely by. The festival kicked off with Concord Nkabinde on the big stage, a difficult thing to do but with his beautiful strong voice and big stage presence, he did a great job. Last time I went to the jazz festival I nearly did myself in trying to see everything. Ladies, a tip, don’t wear heels if you can possibly help it, I saw many a footsore woman walking around later in the evening, stilettos in hand. I saw Ester Miller featuring Jeremy Pelt next, a beautiful voice from PE, now living in the UK. Alongside her was a very debonair Mr Pelt. The MC announced that all the beautiful ladies should check out his website and let him know if they’re available – and there were very many beautiful ladies, beautifully dressed. The CTIJF has become as much as a social and fashion event as a celebration of music. The Rosies stage kicked off with Vivid Africa, they’ve found a lot of success in the “world music”...
Represent Recommends: Happy holidays!
It’s Easter weekend and we’re going away! Oh yes, we’re on holiday! We’ve lined up some content every (working) day for you while we’re away but we thought we’d let you know about some solid entertainment coming up so you can make the most of these yummy warm evenings and delicious holiday sleep ins. Our last recommendation dealt with more rocky, electro, classical and hybrid styles (if we must put music in a box), this week we’re all over Afro-Funk, World, Dub and some sexy French Electro-House. Let’s start with DUB – remember our article on the underground venue Mind Yr Head “the cultural space/junction for independent thinking people”? Well it’s deep and dark down in the city but if you’re seeking out deep dark Dub, it’s your spot. Dub Vaults with Rui from 340ml on Friday 06/04 and live performance from M.O.B.I.U.S Net and DJs Hypejones on Saturday 07/04 both at Mind Yr Head. Click on the flyer above for more info. Then there’s one of our FAVOURITE bands ever – UJU, if you have not yet caught UJU live, do yourselves a favour and get to another one of the no doubt outstanding IFAS cultural events (this one is a joint initiative with ArtsAlive) it’s called AFROPHONIE – Peggy and the IFAS team work so hard at organising world class quality entertainment in SA, they deserve all the support they can get. The gigs are usually tres satisfying and well attended – MERCI! The legendary Mahotella Queens are also performing – nice one – allez-y! Uju and Mahotella are supporting BA CISSOKO the much-loved Kora player and his band from Guinea at the Bassline – BA CISSOKO is performing in SA as part of his “ELECTRIC GRIOT LAND” world tour – sounds interesting! BBC Radio describes Ba’s music as: “Their sound is a solid as the roots of one of west Africa’s huge baobab trees, and as fresh a sea breeze which wafts ashore from the Atlantic to clear out the polluted arteries of downtown Conakry.” 7 April @ 9PM Bassline Tickets R60 @ Computicket / Door Still on an IFAS tip, they’re bringing out one of the the most famous French House DJ’s Frederic Galliano so for all the dance floor bunnies in search of something fresh – Don’t miss out on great Funk, House and Garage. 13th April 2007 Moloko (Rosebank) Email for more info. HAPPY...
Blank paper project @ blank in Cape Town
We know Cape Townians have a lot of free time … right? So if you’re in Slaapies, make sure to take a stroll to the BLANK art gallery in Buitengracht street, put on your most artistic look, get deep and put some pencil to paper – your scribbles will be exhibited and may even make it into the Blank paper book that the gallery will be compiling post the project… here’s more: The blank paper projects at blank projects blank projects will become an open studio, comprising of a working table, a pile of paper and pencils. Artists are invited to make drawings on the paper provided and to display the results on the walls of the space. At the end of the show, the drawings will be bound into a book, ‘blank paper 2007’. The blank paper project will become an annual event. Ps. An assistant will be on hand to sharpen pencils. Hours: Tuesday to Friday 12h00 – 17h00 Saturdays 12h00 – 14h00 (Closed for Easter weekend) Closes: April 10 198 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town Contact: 072 198 9221 or...