Represent Review: Omar Pene
How we wish we could have been there to get down with The Matrix as he swung his hips to Senegalese rhythms transfixed by the backing singers agility. Despite his opening sentence, we’re sure he had no problem doing the kwasa-kwasa at Kippies: Change is good they say, but I have to admit, I’m a bit nervous when it comes to dealing with cultural adjustments and their resulting (pre-requisite) behaviour. Well, to sift through the chuff – I plunged head first into unbeknown territory when I marched into Newtown’s legendary Jazz club – Kippies International – to attend the live music show from Senegal’s jazz star: Omar Pene. The atmosphere on 66 Quinn Str (Cnr Carr) was made lively by the opening act: Nathi and the Band performing a remix of the famous “Mangwane Mpulele” with all of us automatically joining in! The mood became emotional as we all listened as one to the poignant title track: Soze- a dedication to his late sister who passed away from an AIDS related illness. Nathi has dedicated the track to all live with HIV/AIDS. (Nathi/Soze, the album is out on sale now!) Apart from the annoying bankcard machines being offline, the ambience was groovy, welcoming and conducive to a good night in Jozi`s cultural heartland – Newtown. Then came the cultural twist as Omar Pene took us on a hip-swinging journey of authentic Senegalese dance floor tunes, even the Matrix lost all control and hit the dance floor Big Time. Kippies had a true multicultural audience on Friday; all paying homage to the singing sensation that is Omar Pene; there were us Darkies (dressed to shame the devil as usual), Whities in their droves (well prinked up too admittedly!) and enthusiasts of all sorts! Omar had us eating out his hands as we got down to the elaborate “Kwasa-Kwasa” dance of North West African origins, shaking it till the end. At one point I found myself multitasking as I gasped, stared and pondered on how horrified the Teasers girls would be if they could witness the things which Mr. Pene`s lead backup singer and beloved daughter could do with (just) her hips (Ka Mmago!!!). Omar Pene came to South Africa to perform at the Durban Film Festival, but owing to the dedication of Africa Synergy and the support of Kaya FM to the continuous development of a cultured Jozi inner City, Kippies international became the proud host of this ingenious and indigenous Senegalese artist. Nothing could have been more befitting and so rewarding! How grateful we are to have such culturally inclined international music supporters such as Africa Synergy, Kippies International and Kaya FM. For loads...
Represent Recommends: Introdans
We’re so lucky to have such a choice of delightful overseas performers gracing our shores these days, keeping our options broad and varied. If you’re into dance, physical theatre or merely love being mesmerized by powerful live performance, make sure to catch the popular and world-renowned Dutch company Introdans this week in Jozi. See their website. The acclaimed Dutch dance company Introdans will perform in Johannesburg this week after a successful run in Cape Town. Since 1971 when it was founded by Hans Focking and Ton Wiggers, Introdans has grown into one of the biggest and most active ballet companies in the Netherlands. The company presents modern ballet performances on the themes Old Masters, New Partners, Young Talent. Working from the Netherlands, the company dances in Dutch theatres and at international venues. An array of choreographers create ballets for Introdans in which classical elements are combined with modern techniques. There are 3 performances only which will take place at the University of Johannesburg on Wednesday, July 4, Thursday, July 5 and Friday, July 6, all starting at 8pm. The programme includes Hans van Manen’s Andante; Tom Wiggers’ Gilles; Ed Wubbe’s White Streams and Ben Holder’s Daylight. The South African Tour is sponsored by the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Pretoria and Podium Kunsten (The Hague). Booking for Introdans is through Computicket, tickets are R120 and R150. Tickets for pensioners and students with student cards are R80.00. There is a 10% discount offered for groups of 10 or...
Represent is watching: Jason Mraz
Have you heard of this dude? We’re guessing probably not yet, but if you’re lucky enough to be watching Ugly Betty then you may have heard his voice on the song “If Beauty is Ugly”. He’s got a soulful acoustic guitar thing going…bit of a George Michael *Ed screams hysterically* touch… If you’re into John Mayer, Sons of Trout, Maroon 5 or Dave Matthews (homeboy!) you will more than likely dig his acoustic soul and smooth lyrics. So all we’re saying for now is watch this crooner. Remember who told you first 🙂 Enjoy the Jason Mraz live latino style track below – a few bum notes and guitar slips but he seems to rock the party nonetheless! [youtube]-_qBfbJBd_4[/youtube] His Bio tells us: Rocking socks in Flip-flops signifies that it must the chilly season in southern California. “This is a delight,” Jason Mraz, a Virginia Born transplant says of the sudden drop in temperature to a mere 57 degrees. “By golly I bet it could snow,” He jests. “I’m still new to Palm trees as a stand-in for the Spruce.” 7 Holiday seasons, 6 albums and 3 websites later, Atlantic Recording Artist Jason Mraz is planting his troubadour roots firmly into the sands and soils of the San Diego music scene. Currently working on his third studio album at home, Mraz makes time for surfing, landscaping, & meticulous recycling when he’s not writing or playing the role of photo-docu-manitarian. “That’s a word I made up to make taking Polaroids sound more profound. Anything creative, like gardening, cooking, taking snapshots, or even sports… is juggling a sport? Anyway, it’s what I like to refer to as ‘fillin’ up the well.’ If what you’re putting into your body and mind is good stuff, then good stuff is what you’re most likely going to give out.” Mraz, who visited 16 countries in 2006, is putting together his first book of Polaroid Pictures based on his travels. “What I love about instant photography is that it captures the moment. Digital Photography can sometimes take you out of sync with the real moment always unfolding before you. Digital gives you the option of erasing the moment and trying to produce a better one. I’d rather sit and wait until the light is right before I snap an image. If anything, I get to sit with my subject and truly savor the moment.” Mraz’s message is clear. Live in the moment. Be present. “And say thank you for everything.” He adds. “…and Thank YOU for adding that.”...
Representah! Opera Extravaganza
If you have not yet been blessed with the sugared words of our citizen journalist, the one and only Reuben-the Matrix-Malema, read on. We hope you’ll be encouraged to join his growing Represent fanclub. To all those Opera goers who were lucky to catch the Opera Extrvaganza, share your thoughts with The Matrix please. Sharpile Reubs! “People’s reactions to opera the first time they see it is very dramatic: They either love it or they hate it, if they love it, they’ll always love it. If they don’t – they might learn to appreciate it, but it’ll never be part of their soul”. These famous words have been immortalized by the screenplay persona of Edward (Richard Gere) in Hollywood`s timeless romantic flick: Pretty Woman (my all time favorite movie – for real!). Now, more than ever before, I tend to fully agree with the above statement and not because I’m leaning towards my personal opinions about live opera, but simply put: judge not that which thou hath no knowledge of. On Thursday night Jozi`s patrons of the arts (live and static) came out in their droves, all well groomed and prinked in splendour, glittering and absolutely glamorous in support of this year’s capacity filled gala evening of Opera Africa`s Opera Extravaganza at the Johannesburg Civic Theater – Braamfontein. The performances were a well orchestrated mixture of professional artists such as Johan Botha and mainly young black and talented stars in the making, with an epic theatrical setting only befitting a royal ball; all was set for a musical journey for the ages. Admittedly as an opera novice – I did not quite understand the whole idea of juxtaposing the Orchestra slap bang! in the front of the performance crew’s stage area, but boy oh boy – what a huge impact that had on the audience’s reaction. Curtains were raised to a synchronized clapping of hands for the opening performance which I interpreted as an uprising of disgruntled subjects against their fat cat ruling nobles. Funny enough the revolt was led by a regiment of Knight Templars (whom history portrays as sworn protectors and guardians of the royal lineage). The Nobles finally get incarcerated with the lower class braking into a state of uncontrolled jubilation when…Enter the super star Turner trombone: Johan Botha, respected noble man in the Royal courtyard – ordering the immediate release of the Nobility prisoners and returning things to a state of unacceptable “normalcy”. This act accompanied by the powerful music stirred up people`s emotions and more so that of my confidant: Ms Janica N. Nhlapo who started jerking a tear or two (how I kicked myself for the lack of...
Represent says: Don’t miss this! Blacks Only
You know we lurve David Kau and his crew and the belly laughs they offer us. We’re also loving this “Blackstreet Boys” flyer – if we had such a thing as a “Concept of the month” award we’d definitely give it to them. Sharpile for the smile… Loving Joey in those broeks. Make sure to catch Blacks Only. PS Whites welcome too. Emperors Palace presentes BLACKSTREET BOYS The comedy event of the year The new home to South African comedy, Emperors Palace, will host the Blackstreet Boys live and loud on Saturday, 30 June in the Centre Court. The line up includes David Kau as MC, Loyiso Gola, Joey Rasdien, Ndumiso, Eugene Khoza and Trevor Noah and special guest Chris Forrest. Blackstreet Boys is proudly brought to stage by Blacks Only, the fastest growing comedy brand in the country. The shows both at Emperors Palace and around the country boast sold out audiences and now in its forth year the show has grown in stature. After travelling the world with the South African film “Bunny Chow”, Joey Rasdien’s back on the bill, and some old favourites like Loyiso Gola, Eugene Khoza and Trevor Noah will leave you wanting more. David Kau adds “Growing up the only comedy I heard was in American movies. Eddie Murphy – that was what we were fed as South Africans. For me stand up comedy never really existed. I’d never watched a show with a black stand-up comedian. For years I was looked at as the only ‘black’ stand-up comedian in the country. That has all changed now and this show presents some of the finest comedians performing in the country today.” Tickets are priced from R120 including service charges and can be bought through Computicket on 083 915 8000 or the Emperors Palace Box Office on 011 928 1297 during office hours. Experience a world of non-stop entertainment. Come to Emperors Palace. Come to the Palace of Dreams. Emperors Palace is a Peermont Global...
Represent Recommends: PARTY PEOPLE & guests
Good luck with the cold spell Jozi, pull on your hoodies and don’t forget to catch Party People with DJ Khenzero this Thursday night at Roka. Let’s give a warm Jozi welcome to BIG IDEA from Durban who will be performing live… see their biog below. Click on image for more detail. Represent! 30 June @ Roka 44 Stanley @ Milpark 9pm R50 Big Idea – A Brief Biography BIG IDEA started as a collaboration of artists from backgrounds representing the mixed masala of cultures that make up KwaZulu Natal. They have managed to infiltrate the vanguard of Durban’s music scene to become one of its boldest champions. Through their music they cross cultural bridges and build new ones where no-one had thought they could exist! BIG IDEA are the leaders of the resurgence of live music in Durban. Since their inception in 2004, the band has rapidly become the quintessential hip-hop/jazz fusion group. Fronted by charismatic vocalist Quincy “Q” Fynn, the band is Gareth “2 Gees” Gale on drums, Rory “The Jacob” Jacobs on Sampler, vocalist/emcee King Babar, emcee JET and Dj. LV on decks. Electric performances at TransAfrica Express, Krakatoa and Splashy Fen 2005 & 2006 were followed by more chilled performance at The Centre for Jazz and Popular Music (UKZN), allowing BIG IDEA to demonstrate their ability to appeal to a diverse audience. Emcees Q and King Babar are the jacket and waistcoat of the outfit respectively. Babar is better known as one-third of pioneering hip-hop outfit Illuminating Shadows where his abilities shine as both beat producer and through rhyme. With BIG IDEA his skills as a lyricist, beat boxer and freestyle emcee fascinate and thrill audiences every time he touches the microphone. Their performances are characterized by the energy that is exuded by the entire group. 2 Gees is a powerful and stylish drummer who utilizes his experience as a jazz and rock drummer to it’s most potent effect. He provides presence and leadership, which, drives the music forward constantly. Q’s rhyming and descriptive lyricism is “uncompromising, honest and crystal clear”. He has honed his skills through poetry and was a participant at Poetry Africa 2005. He has added a new, unique voice to the South African performance poetry landscape. He describes his work as “Wentworth inspired poetry that both reflects and dispels the stereotype of the urban colored youth.” He is inspired by the contradictions, which he says characterize the new South African democratic age: Growing up in a community, which is tight knit and yet deeply divided through violence, crime and abuse; Living on one of the most beautiful strips of coastline in the...