Things that make you go WOW – read this book!!!!
WOW NEW BOOK BLINK The Power of Thinking Without Thinking! Thanks to Mich for the tip – this is the MUST-READ book that all business leaders are reading at the moment … so if you’re someone that likes to follow the trends of ‘-must-reads’ or want to get ahead in your career or your life, read about those ‘blink moments’. ONG From the WEBSITE: “It’s a book about rapid cognition, about the kind of thinking that happens in a blink of an eye. When you meet someone for the first time, or walk into a house you are thinking of buying, or read the first few sentences of a book, your mind takes about two seconds to jump to a series of conclusions. Well, “Blink” is a book about those two seconds, because I think those instant conclusions that we reach are really powerful and really important and, occasionally, really good. It’s on sale at Exclusives for R154. ——————————————————————- 24 August 2005 This is a new Represent feature – thanks to Stoffel for the idea – THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO WOW. This posting will feature anything that we come across that cheers us up, inpires us, touches us in some way or simply makes us go WOW. We start with a great book. Are you having a BLUE MOMENT in your life or are you simply in need of a little help in your quest to gain PERSONAL FREEDOM? Go and buy ‘The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz’ – that’s if you don’t have it already. It’s been on the New York Times best seller list for 2 years. We’re a little cynical and tend not to overdo the esoteric book shelves, particularly when it comes to pseudo Indian American imagery, but this book made it through our cynicism net and comes with HIGHLY RECOMMENDED stamped all over it. You can probably read it in a day, although it’s the kind of book you want to keep with you for a quick reread in times of downers. It gives you four simple agreements to follow that can help you find personal freedom. The one that we like the most is ‘Never take anything personally’ – whatever someone says or does to you, it’s generally about their own issues and their own problems and has very little to do with you. So next time someone tells you you look fat in it, don’t believe them. They feel fat. Thanks to KHANYI for the recommendation. THE FOUR AGREEMENTS DON MIGUEL...
Stay Hungry Stay Foolish – Words from the man at Apple
WE HAD TO PUT THIS BACK AT THE TOP OF THE SITE – it’s got a lot of people thinking…. Thanks to Cath for this piece of mindfood…. It’s a long read but so worth it. It’s some awesome insights into life from the CEO of APPLE himself. Here’s a bit of background on this visionary creature – how inspiring. “In the autumn of 1974, Jobs returned to California and … began attending meetings of the “Homebrew Computer Club” with Steve Wozniak. He took a job at Atari, a manufacturer of popular video games, as a technician. During this time, it was discovered that a slightly modified toy whistle included in every box of Cap’n Crunch breakfast cereal was able to reproduce the 2600 Hz supervision tone used by the AT&T long distance telephone system. Jobs and Wozniak went into business briefly in 1974 to build “blue boxes” based on the idea that allowed for free long distance calls. In 1976, Jobs, then 21, and Wozniak, 26, founded Apple Computer Co. in the Jobs family garage. The first personal computer Jobs and Wozniak introduced was called the Apple I. It sold for $666.66, in reference to the phone number of Wozniak’s Dial-A-Joke machine, which ended in -6666.” This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005. I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That’s it. No big deal. Just three stories. The first story is about connecting the dots. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out? It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: “We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?” They said: “Of course.” My...
Feeling bored? Take a surf on this wave…
SEND IN YOUR FAVOURITE SITES!!! Thanks to our resident Internet trawlers WILLIS, STOFFEL and DAWN for their tips on websites that blow their hair back! Just click on the orange! Dawn kindly points us to SITES that ‘excel at random’. Well put. You excel Dawn! Thanks for this chicca, we vote your listing of WILDMOODSWI… NGS as one of the hottest portals yet! It’s a classic – pick your mood and be transported into some INCREDIBLE websites. We clicked on ‘badly dressed’ – it took us straight to and we’re still laughing. Just do it. Then there’s a site for all of us that love CHINA COOL. If you don’t know yet, China is the next WORLD POWER, so take the time to check out URBAN LIFE IN CHINA. ******************************** STOFFEL is a big influence on our lives at Represent, he often fills us in on what’s going down on the net that we should know about but are too busy to find ourselves. Sharp Bru! He told us about GOOGLE EARTH a long time ago and we’ve been meaning to share it with you… sorry for the delay. But it’s so worth it. Hope you heard it from us first. Simply put GOOGLE EARTH is a ‘A 3D interface to the planet ‘. Yes, that’s right – Google Earth allows you to zoom in from satellite photos out in space right down into your continent, then your country, even your town and if you live in the West, even to your street and house… It’s a free download and a mind-blowing concept. Unfortunately their content on Africa is a lot less impressive than that of the States or Europe, but we’re sure they’ll get onto it soon. Next from Stoffel is a foray into Internet Reality content the MTV UK STARZINE site… takes a while to load but it’s worth it. Basically it’s an MTV magazine that gives you a chance at stardom… they’re looking for content – you create your own content and then readers vote for the STARS. They’re also have a SNAP, SEND and WIN site with a call for photo’s around a specific topic, this month it’s BAD HAIRDO’s – anyone from TRIOMF SHOPPING CENTRE online? FASHIONISTA’S LISTEN UP: His third offering is a fascinating fashion concept and site called 360degree Fashion, it’s a NOKIA sponsored LIFEBLOG software site – read all about it – thanks to MOCONET for the explanation: “Nokia is promoting its LifeBlog software through the 360 degrees of Fashion project, or on WAP( The eight participants were given a weblog (Typepad solution from Six Apart) and a Nokia telephone...
NBA stars at Cafe Vogue in Rivonia
We’re not mad about Rivonia – it’s not the place, it’s the people – the nouveaux riches of this world – lotsa cash but not much culture. However, there is one place that always rocks and where you know you can have a real party, and that’s CAFE VOGUE…. Those tall NBA boys are in the house! They even offer DISCOUNTS to large groups, but we’re not sure what they mean by ladies ‘dressi…ng to impress’. A little sexist non? NBA ALLSTARS – Come Hang out this Friday with NBA All-Star Players from the U.S. & around the world in true Cafe Vogue Style. NBA Specials All-Nite (i.e buy a drink, take a three-pointer and get a Free Tequila Shooter) Ladies Dressed to impress free entry before 23:00 . CAFE VOGUE Hing Yip Building Cnr 9th & Wessels Rivonia (Opp the Square) EMAIL VOGUE For inquires: 082 780 6557 For more info, RSVP your Birthday Party or for Large Group Discounts call us!...
Street vendor on your wall?
GODFREY MOJADIBODU’S new exhibit runs from the 19 August 2005 to the 2 September 2005. If you love the city and are after authentic city street scenes and skylines, get your hands on one of his paintings. He is fascinated with the ‘staying-power’ and optimism of street vendors who patiently sell their loose cigarettes and phone-calls trying to make ends meet… ‘The internatio…nal renowned painter Godfrey Mojadibodu will be hosting a solo exhibition at the Gerard Sekoto Gallery at Alliance Franýaise. Majadibodu, a “FUBA” (Federated Union of Black Arts) graduate ’87, has taken part in numerous international and local exhibitions. His work is also featured in numerous private and corporate collections. The most recent international exhibition has been in the Afro Vibe Festival, Holland. The paintings in this exhibition are a departure from his rural African Themes with a focus on Johannesburg’s “street life”. He says of his paintings: “I am motivated by “people” and their ability to survive in very trying times”. A person’s ability to sit for 12 hours a day selling “Stok-sweets” – That is a mental and physical challenge”. The challenge is to capture this sense of ” time and patience that people have in big cities. My paintings are people by sweets-sellers, shoppers, unemployed young people, peanuts sellers, children and other street-market characters. This is about “people trying to found something to eat”, the hardships and the daily critical. The additional theme of “Modernism vs. Traditional life” also appears in this exhibition – With two large painting exploring the controversy around “Circumcision Schools. In these paintings Godfrey poses creative questions rather than catering to the sensationalism of this debate.’ GODFREY MOJADIBODU Alliance Francais Address: 17 Lower Park Drive, cnr Kerry Road, Parkview 19 August 2005 – 2 September...
JOBURG’s taking no prisoners to 2030
WHICH ECONOMY IS GROWING BY 5% A YEAR? WHY OUR ONE OF COURSE. The long-term plan to bring out the best in Johannesburg by 2030 is well on it’s way. It’s loud and clear on this billboard on Hans Strijdom. Let’s do it people. Here’s the 411 from Joburg.Org aka CITY OF JOHANNESBURG WEBSITE (thanks – you guys are amazing.) Click for...