Another Classic Name: “Mouthclean Kingful”
Thanks to NCIFI for giving us a good laugh on a Friday… No disrespect but where did his parents get that name from? Check out this SWAZI TIMES article on a student that came back from the dead – pay careful attention to the deputy head teachers name – MOUTHCLEAN KINGFUL – that’s got to be a...
DOWNTOWN BARGAINS – forget the malls!!!
A friend of ours with her own clothing department in her bedroom cupboard shared her shopping secrets for an over-flowing hot and hip wardrobe – she confirmed the rumours that shopping downtown in Joburg is the only way to stay with the trends on a tight budget… So three diva’s set out to put the city shops to the test – Our delicious model SHINYGIRL pictured o…n the left paid only R240 for this entire new LOOK….. Yes – that’s right – 240 ROND!!!! The best place to start is at the corner of Harrison and Anderson at the NO-NAME shop – a true bargain basement with visionary twists… Then you wanna hit a sho’tleft down Pritchard and on the streets around it… Make sure to pop into ALL the little clothing boutiques – you are guaranteed never to leave empty-handed. You have to maak ‘n draai past BOB’s shoes, at 61Pritchard st – it’s a real experience as the saleslady enters her brightly lit DJ-type booth to call through your order on her microphone – you move along a payment line until you close the sale and the box of shoes pops out of a hole in the wall – there are STUNNING shoes to be found… S T U N N I N G!!!! COST OF OUTFIT: Shoes – BOB’s – R100 Belt – small boutique on Pritchard R30 Shirt – Mr Price – R50 Skirt – No-Name shop – R60 TOTAL – The unbelievable R240 – WHO NEEDS MALLS??? PS: The HAIR is by WOZA MAMA WOZA SISI – the hair braiders on Kerk st – SHINYGIRL paid R120!!! See the article on...
SONDOMBILI – the way forward for cheap transport?
Anyone that has been to China or Thailand in the East or Italy in Europe will remember the thousands of scooters and mopeds buzzing around the streets… SONDOMBILI is Zulu for ‘two-wheeler’ – translated into English it means scooter. A scooter generally has an engine displacement of 50cc or less and are loved for their size, fuel-efficiency and cute looks… Some brig…ht sparks in South Africa have a plan to make scooters the cheap transport alternative in a country where the majority of citizens get around by taxi… Check out this article in the Mail &Guardian – but basically sums were done and it is estimated that the average taxi-commuter spends about R750 on fares per month – with this same amount of money the average commuter could purchase a scooter, paying it off easily over a period of three years so not encouraging major debt. Honda and a company called Sondombili Solutions then hatched a clever plan to introduce ‘the Honda Cub scooter, which is renowned for its low fuel consumption and its reliable design.’ ‘Honda and Sondombili have structured an innovative package that will provide commuters with a scooter for R13 695, or just more than R600 per month, plus all the equipment that is necessary to ride a two-wheeler. The purchase price includes training, helmet, gloves and a rain suit as well as a refundable learner’s licence booking fee. Honda SA will provide service and warranty support through its extensive network of motorcycle dealers.’ However, as the Business Report points out, this may be a cunning stunt bur there are already cheaper bikes in existence in ZA – One being the GOMOTO GT125 which will cost you only R6999 and you’ll receive a FREE waterproof gomoto jacket and pants, valued at over R1500 if you order now – check out the site here. Then there’s a cheap scooter imported by JONWAY’s Douglas Jung – the Business Report article tells us that ‘Douglas Jung has been importing scooters from China for a year, including a basic model selling at R8 500 and one with added extras at R11 000.’ The obvious challenges are the weather and the safety of a motorbike – we at REPRESENT think that the concept of them being the next transport solution may have to be targeted at the younger generation who are willing to take risks and set the trend – people that read REPRESENT for example 🙂 Bikes are still considered a WHITE thing – that perception needs to change with some clever advertising and long-term marketing campaigns. But we wish all the scooter companies luck and really do hope that...
MULLET’s are not only stout-bodied fish swimming around in rivers or the sea – they are also abominable hair-styles sometimes touted as fashion but more often than not failing dismally into FAUX PAS territory. Just swing by Triomf, Rosentenville or any outlying town in the country and you’re sure to spot one. There are numerous websites dedicated to MULLETS that will cheer you up on any given …Monday – two Represent readers sent in their take on Mullets: Noxyrsox decides it’s time to MULL it over: Go to RATEMYMULLET for a sneak peak. What is it anyways? To say that the mullet is a hairstyle barely even scratches the surface of the issue. The mullet is a way of life, it is a state of mind, it is every person who wears it. Physically it is characterized by short hair on the top, front, and sides of the head, followed by a long drape of hair on the back, reaching even to the middle of the spine. Typical accessories to the mullet include moustaches, scraggly beards and/or goatees, and sunglasses. Research on the mullet phenomena, at this stage, is still in its infancy. However it is suggested by many top laboratories that the mullet, as it slowly reaches maturity, begins to grow tentacles into the brain of the victim. which affect several areas of the brain and fundamentally alter the candidate’s actions and behavioural responses. Said behavioural changes mainly include extreme agression, the proclivity to consume large amounts of alcohol, pedophilia, lack of hygeine, dramatic reduction in inhibitions (often bolstered by the consumption of alcohol), sense of paranoia and distrust towards authority/governmental figures, and most importantly – steadily decreasing IQ levels. I would stress that these are only preliminary details however, and the controversial nature of the theory renders it unsuitable for mass publication. WILLIS looks at the history of where MULLETS come from: Edited extract from MulletsGalore (): The earliest known mullet may be that of the Roman Emperor Tiberius (14-37 AD). A Roman biographer provides the following description of Tiberius: “Tiberius was strongly and heavily built, and above average height. His shoulders and chest were broad, and his body perfectly proportioned from head to toe. His left hand was so strong that he could poke a finger through a sound, newly-plucked apple or into the skull of a boy or young man. He had a handsome, fresh-complexioned face, though subject to occasional rashes of pimples. Letting his back hair grow down over the nape seems to have been a habit of the family to which Tiberius belonged.” Several observations intrigue in addition to the hair reference: Tiberius’...
London calling parties
This Friday, 3 June, is the Jeppe Boys (1995) reunion after-party at London Calling. From midnight, come shoot some pool, listen to some classic 90s tracks and quaff loads of beer. Free entry. On the 4th of June, Platform1 Vol.5 will be presenting the Emergency Hault-Frequency Modulation, a breaking down beat session by JHB’s finest turtablists, …supported by 2 live acts at London Calling. Catch Soul-O-Artist and Deth Kowd with Tha-Kutt, the Phantom Fondler, Nifty and KGB. Drinks specials, happy hours, quarts and pool table available. From 9:30PM. Free entry for ladies before 11:30PM. R30 cover charge. Next Friday, 10 June, Dominion presents the second Rebel Rock party at London Calling. Specially for those who fondly (if not vividly) recall the heyday of inner-city clubbing in the 90’s. happy hours, drinks specials and the ultimate in rebel rock, alternative and indie tunes from top DJs. R20 cover charge from 8PM. London Calling is on the corner of Browning & Op de Bergen Streets (off Commissioner Street) Fairview, Joburg....
Hot property 340ml, Prime Circle, Mafikizolo, Malaika, Mxo and some of Mzantsi’s finest artists have put their talent where their mouths are by coming together on an album called CD4, aimed at raising funds and awareness about HIV/Aids. An intiative of Levi Strauss and Sony-BMG Music Entertainment, the compilation features acousitic versions of …the band’s most popular hits, so it goes without saying that CD4 is hot as hell. The album is produced by Theo Crous, co-founder of the Springbok Nude Girls. So, what is on offer? For starters, Mafikizolo’s Sibongile, 340ml’s Midnight, Mxo’s Sister Kunjani and Godessa’s Mindz Ablaze. Another highlight of the album is a specially written anthem track Sunset River Red, co-written by Theo Crous and songwriter Clinton Gahwiler of Flat Stanley. It features all of the artists in the album....