– Technology bridging the poverty gap.
Sep18 – Technology bridging the poverty gap.

Thanks to Jimi for the heads up!  Social entrepreneurship is a concept that is and will make a real change in this crazy, unfair, poverty stricken, wonderful world in which we live. Instead of tossing a few coins to people in the street as a way of assuaging your guilt, send the money to these people instead!! It’s an awesome concept although our mind immediately imagines some corrupt 411 scammer milking it. Kiva is a website that matches up those in need of funding with those who have money they’d like to invest in something meaningful in the developing world… What’s really interesting is that it is a LOAN and that you, as the kind loanee will receive updates on how your investment is going and ultimately you will be PAID BACK – brilliant.  They put it best: is the world’s first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend directly to an entrepreneur in the developing world. By combining microfinance with the internet, is creating a global community of people connected through’s mission is to connect people, through lending, for the sake of alleviating poverty....

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Watch this: Miss Teen USA South Carolina

Watch this: Miss Teen USA South Carolina

Eish this bokkie’s got our future on her mind.  Be scared, very scared.  Watch the YouTube video of Miss USA South Carolina stumbling through a very difficult question. Need we say more? Click here or watch below: [youtube]lj3iNxZ8Dww[/youtube]...

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Calling all Jozi Creative Minds

Calling all Jozi Creative Minds

Looking for a place to expand your mind, network with like-minded people and generally get creatively deep?   Don’t miss Addictlab coming fresh to Jozi central’s streets from the land of beer and Brusells, Belgium.  It’s the beginning of exciting times to come and what will hopefully be a long and fruitful collaboration 😉 , so please join the crew at one of our favourite venues, the top floor of the Lister Building (if you haven’t been yet, come on!).  Sept 6. 6pm for the opening, more info on the exhibition below: Open LAB 1.0 JOBURG/SOUTH AFRICA @PRIVATE PRACTICE is an international creative lab©, attracting great talent from different fields (design, fashion, art, photography, etc.), creating platforms for the creative scene and inspiration for the industry. Come discover our magazines & lab activities, participate in current research, get published in the AD!DICT books or tap into addictlab with your business. BECOME A LABBIE. Want to be part of our lab, and published in the next Ad!dict book? Apply now, become a Labbie. Register (free!) and upload your work. SEPT 6 WILL BRING YOU: Local talent, global labresearch, lots of inspiration and invitations to participate. Active research today: • The Eco issue • The Nano Research • The South African brand issue. Check for all research areas. DATES: Opening : Thursday September 6th  – 18h Sound: Canned Applause Expo: Friday September 7th – Sunday September 16 / on appointment or check dates on the website. FREE ENTRANCE Bring work and friends – Please confirm your presence rsvp ADDRESS PRIVATE PRACTICE 195 JEPPE STREET LISTER MEDICAL BUILDING 18th FLOOR JOHANNESBURG SA Safe parking via entrance BREE street. map check ——————————————————- EXTRA: INNOVATION WORKSHOP Extra: a workshop for people from industry and organisations – How can you tap into addictlab? Get to know the innovation packages, such as Creative X-Rays, Inspiration showers etc  TUESDAY SEPT 11 / 11AM / Apply first. Mail ...

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Enter the YoungGuns Awards

Enter the YoungGuns Awards

No it’s not the Levi’s project, it’s the international advertising awards for young creatives which some of you will remember were ‘dominated’ by South African’s last year… ok maybe a bit strong, but we did damn well proving that our creativity is top of the pops. And you know in this world creativity and innovation are prime assets to have and hold onto!  So let’s do the same thing this year and take it away! Get going, entries in by the 12 October 2007.  Check out the wonderful website here that tells the tale of young advertising creatives and to enter go here

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Represent is Loving: LeTigre/BUGZ/DJ Vitalic/Mara

Represent is Loving: LeTigre/BUGZ/DJ Vitalic/Mara

It may be the beautiful sunny mornings we keep on waking up to, promising that winter is but a bad memory (but we won’t speak too soon)… or it may just be LOVE in the air, but we’re listening to and loving so much awesome music lately, we just have to share the lurve with you darling Representers.  It may just refresh your music collection like it has ours… Thanks to Aquoibon, Antoine and Harinie for the leads….Represent! Ps: This goes out to all the Selectah’s in the Represent Family – you know who you are DJ’s. First up let’s get you in a funked up mood with Le Tigre’s hilarious cheesy home-made video (featuring BA Baracus in shorts!!) of their song DECEPTACON  – we’re not sure what we prefer – the crappy video or the song!: [youtube]P1almETqkkU[/youtube] Then we just can’t get enough of Uk based BUGZ IN THE ATTIC – In’it – especially the song MOVE ASIDE featuring (we believe) Bembe Segue on vocals.  If you’re living in London, catch them this month at the Jazz Cafe although it’s prob sold out already.  It’s one of those albums that has something edgy, sexy and catchy about it, but after a few listens, you slip into the beats and feel right at home.  Expand your music experience and check out the video for MOVE ASIDE: [youtube]sXUztMEUHGA[/youtube] Staying in the North, we move to France onto DJ Vitalic, wow – this Frenchie electro dj and producer is cooking up a serious storm, if you’re into new beats and want something deliciously fresh, get your hands on his new album “PONEY”.  Check out his sexy site here – here’s some background: With his debut four-song ‘Poney EP’, first released in late 2001, the Frenchman Pascal Arbez aka Vitalic tore through dancefloors across the world.  This year, he has released his long-awaited debut album, ’OK Cowboy’. Pascal describes the album as a mix of “dance music, experimental, organs and French music”.  A selection of musicians Pascal admires: Daft Punk, Sparks, Crash Course In Science, Valerie Dore, Giorgio Moroder, The White Stripes, Belgian composer Wim Mertens, Fad Gadget. He’s not a big record buyer and doesn’t know the names of lots of his favorite tracks. His first love, when he started making music as a teenager, was Belgian new beat. Vitalic’s Poney part 1 Video featuring dogs (chiens) is absolutely gorgeous, even if you’re not into electro, check out the visuals:[youtube]F52dx9Z0L5k[/youtube] And lastly back to the UK as we break this down to something totally slow and chilled – the amazing vocalist Mara Carlyle, her style is best described in an interview with the UK Guardian when they talk about her album as combining...

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Call for Entries- (RED) Vision@ Vail Film Festival

Call for Entries- (RED) Vision@ Vail Film Festival

For those of you familiar with Project RED, you’ll know it’s a movement to raise funds for the fight against HIV/Aids in Africa, one of the main features being the collective of urban brands designing bespoke RED products to fund anti-retrovirals.  The brands include Converse, Motorola and Apple iPod.  The movement is growing and as part of their program, they’re holding a Short Film competition for the Vail Film Festival in 2008.  South Africans this has your name all over it – there are so many up-and-coming film makers around, combined with a subject that is part of our make-up, come on, let’s win this one.  Good thing is, they’re not looking for the usual Disney-style Africaaaaah approach or cliches, they’re wanting refreshing, authentic and optimistic stories. Details here and below: (RED) VISION – Fifth Annual 2008 Vail Film Festival (RED) Short Film Category Submission Guidelines An Emergency Every day, 5,500 Africans die of AIDS. That’s the equivalent of two Twin Towers a day, a tsunami every month. More people die of AIDS in Africa every year than in all the other countries in the world combined. What’s more tragic is that millions are dying unnecessarily. AIDS is a preventable, treatable disease. Two little pills that cost 40 cents a day can keep people with HIV/AIDS alive. In Africa, AIDS is a real emergency. We need a radically new approach to help eliminate it. (RED) – A New Approach (RED) was born out of a passionate belief in our collective sense of strength, justice, humanity and love; that together we have the power and energy to make a difference.  (RED) inspires, connects, and empowers people and business to do what they already do, shop, and do good at the same time.  Buy (RED) and help eliminate AIDS in Africa. Find out more about (RED) and (PRODUCT) RED at In particular, read the Fact Sheet, FAQ and (RED) Manifesto. The (RED) Short Film Category This year, (RED) and the Vail Film Festival are very proud to offer a special new (RED) Short Film category.   Your film of 3-10 minutes should dramatize one of these two (RED) themes: We are the people we’ve been waiting for Be a good-looking Samaritan It should be: Optimistic Empowering Smart Extraordinary Provocative Irreverent Authentic Don’t: Sell a (PRODUCT) RED product Make the viewer feel guilty Be overtly political Be elitist Be sad Be angry Use violence Submission Guidelines RUNTIME Minimum length of 3 mins. Maximum length of 10 mins. COMPLETION DATE Projects completed after January 1, 2007. PLACE OF ORIGIN Projects may originate from anywhere in the world DISTRIBUTION STATUS Projects must not have distribution PRESSKIT REQUIREMENTS...

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