London 2012 Logo causing a blog stir

London LogoLondoner’s are not impressed with the 2012 Olympics logo.  And to be honest, nor are we – it’s pretty fugly.  Have a long look at it… what do you see? Stare long and hard now – can you make out anything?  It’s supposed to be a “powerful” and “modern” rendition of the letters 2012…. Reminds me of when I was in Std 3 trying to draw ‘cool’ graffiti style titles for my school projects.  Badly. 

Just to check if we’re out of touch with logo design and branding trends, we asked one of the best designers we know to have a look and tell us his thoughts – he said, and we quote: “What is that? Jeez that’s crap.”  Your thoughts?

Bloggers are venting their anger and confusion around the logo which looks to be a little too abstract for the everyday man. What will be interesting is what happens from here… if enough bloggers voice their opinion, will the public voice hold any weight? This is where blogging and the concept of citizen journalism gets interesting.

The popular (and free) underground daily newspaper Metro gives us some of the Bloggers POV – read more here – good old British sense of humour!

‘OMG! The ‘London 2012′ logo makes me want to pluck out my eyes. And it’s going to be everywhere I work. I may die. Or kill. Or both.’ Reynolds, Twitter

‘I would say I’m left speechless but it’s more muttering and bashing my head against my keyboard… Fear not, should you not like pink though as it comes in a further variety of vomit inducing colours – yes, it’s a pick and choose wreck of a logo.’

‘Despite the fact that if you squint it looks a bit like a couple engaging in an act of oral sex and despite the fact that one of the Londonist co-editors described it as a “joke”, I really like it. To those of you who agree with me – I fear we might be part of an oppressed minority for the next five years.’ Ben,

‘The 2012 London Olympics logo looks like bad stone age art.’ dfl, Twitter

‘There were lots of good things about the 80s. Style was not one of them. And yet, this identity screams 1985 at me like a dodgy set of legwarmers.’

Author: admin

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