The HOME of HOPE is a place of rehabilitation and care for destitute women and children as well as an outreach scheme feeding many homeless people in the Berea-Hillbrow area…
It provides for their most basic needs, but cannot afford to any longer.
They are about to close down, with no sponsors, menial govt funding and no public support.

In order to raise funds to make an immedi…
ate difference to their lives, a party is being held at the Horror Cafe in Newtown on FRIDAY the 15 July called the HOPE party. Everyone involved in the party, including performers, venue etc are all doing it for the cause.
All money from the door will go to the home to ensure that it stays open.

There is also a long-term plan in place and if anyone would like to get involved, they can email PIA.

Let’s do our bit to make a difference!

Author: admin

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