Represent ♥’s Everyday Tweeple – Meet @mnazania

100_2961Cruise from the tropical heat of Durban down round the coast to that breathtaking city we rate for December holidays and retirement (once we’re rolling in $$$’s big pimping it…soon soon!) and you’ll eventually pull into…  Cape Town… Meet Milase Mzamo, our fifth interviewee in the Represent ♥’s Everyday Tweeple series. Milase finds Cape Town a lonely place and Nando’s current advertising dumb; she believes the boysboys could win the World Cup and that running makes you wrinkle. We agree on three of the above.  Follow Milase on @mnazania and keep up with us on @sisiwami for the next installment… another dude, this time from Jozi, just for a change 😉

Location: Cape Town,south africa
Bio: Enlightenment and a higher level of awareness is true wealth.

Tell us about the everyday practicalities of true wealth in your life?
I believe that increasing our level of awareness between humans/nature/energy/universe reduces our obsession with ourselves and gives us true happiness and thus true wealth can be attained. Racism is a big example. In the bigger scheme of things, we are all so equal. We are equal in all the things that matter, like giving birth and death so why do spend our lives focusing on things that do not matter. When mother nature takes revenge on us, it does not chose white people, coloured or black people. It strikes us all. So why can’t we use all our collective wisdom to preserve our world to teach our children what is right to generate enough positive energy. Sometimes, I can see it happening albeit in small measures.

Have you spent 10000 hours on anything? What would you call your expertise?
Always have been an aspiring writer. Building up enough hours to write a science fiction novel. I’m fascinated by science fiction because I believe it’s a preamble of things yet to come. If you follow sci-fi movies and track technology developments, you will see how they are related.12082008075

Why are you Labour for life – do you have a connection to the UK?
Met 2 people who influenced my direction in life. During apartheid SA, I worked at the Young Vic theatre in London and I was hosted by a lady who was an author, I told her of my ambition to be published and she advised me to become a journalist, saying, “ That’s the fastest way of seeing your name in print darling” The second one was Neil Kinnock, leader of the Labour party, who was a champion against apartheid SA

Besides flying, what other fears do you have?
I hate driving and moving things whilst being motionless. Think I prefer trains as we both can move ( myself and train at the same time).

Tell us about running and rubbery skin v brisk walking and 2million kms
A friend of mine just started running marathons and she has lost a lot weight but she looks like biltong. The other reason for choosing to walk is that I’m just lazy to run. I love walking. When I walk I can observe the world around me, design my future and really give my mind happy hormones( endorphins). The 2m kilometres was me taking a Mickey at the overzealous twitters that give us a low down on how many kilometres they have run. The Nike ones are the worst.

Why should we correct racial names and what else do you think we need to do to move forward?
The labels Black and white are so wrong, especially seeing that we are neither, yet those colours determine a lot things in our society. If we can accept one base and then we are either the darker or the lighter shade of that base then maybe colour won’t have such power over us.100_1879

Are you a regular church goer and how come?
Absolutely. I believe.

How come you know about King Mswati’s age 😉 – what are your roots?
Never been to Swaziland. * hides* Fascinated by how young he was when he came into power. I remember as a child reading that he had all the games you can think of in his room. And that was it. I wanted to be king.

Why Cape Town? Why do you feel so alone in Cape Town?
Cape Town is most beautiful part of our country yet somehow it has managed to alienate itself from the majority of South African. All my friends are in Joburg. Another thing is that Cape Town is very tight. It’s hard to break into different circles. I have socialised with the same people for the 8 years that I have spent here. I was surprised that a third of the twitters are from Cape Town since they won’t even acknowledge you.

Who has a bigger EGO, man or woman?
Woman, we want constant validation.

What should be fixed in the consitution and why should Black people read it?
A lot of things. I think the constitution was signed prematurely before we all knew what are the practicalities on the ground. Land tenure and property rights. Some agreements were signed pre 94 to ensure that black people can’t touch those properties. People use the constitution to perpetuate the imbalance.

What’s up with Nando’s and stupidity?
Just don’t like their campaigns. They stopped being funny in the 90’s

What kind of half-baked concepts do you get to deal with and why?image001-16
I assist entrepreneurs to develop concepts into viable businesses amongst other things. Sometimes people dream and then bring those dreams to me. Its draining.

Please share your tips for making butter chicken
Secret ingredients, ginger and coriander.

Who’s gonna win the world cup?

Author: admin

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