Represent Snap Interview: Meat the Veggie’s


Represent’s trend-seeking journo Banele Rewo sniffed out some fresh talent on the move upwards and hustled a  snap interview with Johannesburg’s latest next big experimental band… Meat the Veggies. Remember where you read it first. Pics by Scott Smith.

Who is Meat The Veggies (who does what)
Bongani – Flutist/Producer
Carla – Lyrics/Vocals
Tiko – Percussions/Producer

Where is the group from and how did you all meat (Ed: lol)?
Bongani and Tiko met in Kagiso and later met Carla through Draco at Wounded Buffalo Studio.

The name?
Initially we were four guys in the band, which two guys were vegetarians and the other two meat eaters. While chilling trying to decide what to eat, the conclusion was pizza. As we were ordering we realised we had enough money for one pizza. So the meat guys were tired of the veggie food and so one suggested why not half the pizza into two – meat side and veggie side. Hence we ordered, Meat the Veggies!

What kind of music does Meat the veggies prepare?
Nu Jazz, Drum and bass, Lounge, Deep house and experimental sounds.

Describe a Meat the Veggies Individual?
Um… be yourself.

Are the any bands in these genres that you do what you do?
We discovered that there are many, one being the Layders


Inspiration and other interests?
We interested in design and the arts. Our inspiration is simple really – African culture and the lifestyle.

Title of the Album and the inspiration behind it
Well the album is still in progress will let you know soon ok?

What kind of gigs does Meat the Veggies perfom at?
Mostly its were we are called eg. Social functions, Varsity functions and corporate gigs

Where to catch Meat the Veggies next..
24th October – Kagiso, Lewisham Park
31st October – Jozi, Drill Hall (see flyer below)


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