Review:YFM and FRENCH INST. affair…Bassline
WOW – two nights in a row at the Bassline… we dragged our feet to get to the show on Saturday night with our sins of Friday still hanging around in a haze… But SHO! was it worth it – YFM and French Institute – merci beaucoup.
We can’t help but compare the two nights – so please bear with us… Sat night was probably just over half as many people as there were on Friday – bu…
t somehow the space felt just as full. I don’t know if it was all the rasta’s bopping around but the air was filled with a mellow happy feeling and everybody that performed was ROCKOUS!
One of the great features of the bassline is the raked seating areas on the side of the main floor where you can park your derriere and see everything clearly on stage while still feeling a part of the action…Less people means more options as to where you wanna stand or sit… the bassline is your oyster… and damn those seats are a welcome haven.
So stand and sit we did – but who could stay seated to AWADI whose came on nice and early as the final act – catching the crowd wide awake at around 10 o clock – The changeovers between bands was really quick (maybe coz of backing tracks?) and each crew came on and did a short sharp and superpowerpunch performance.
A compact night filled with the smooth rhymes of Prokid, Proverb, Nomadi and Skwatta Kamp as well as a suprise visit by the sexy Lebo Mathoza – all of whom represented SA hiphop and music so finely.
Awadi from Senegal is one of the most energetic and theatrical of African hiphop groups around – they’re a bit like their soccer team – you can’t help but want them to win the world cup… the female vocalist provided a soulful thread to a magical set – Ces mecs savent bien danser hein!
As we said – we’re so glad we went – a well organised, fairly well attended event where the bar was quiet which means we were happy! Is that a bad thing?
Bien Joue!