Urban Chick with a short story to tell?

Urban ChicksSharpile to Alexia for the heads up.  If you’re an Urban Chick and you’d like to write a short story and have it posted on a short story blog then ‘Urban Chick: A Users Guide’ is for you.  We’re not that clear on why they are gathering all the stories – if there will be any payment for the published stories or if they will be published in book form along the lines of Tertia Albertyn blog that became a book and is now up for a Blooker award.  But the PR says the site will ‘showcase’ the stories which we assume means they will simply publish the best on the blog for all to read.   The good thing is you can pick up tips and get some guidance on HOW to write a good short story which could be very helpful. We’ll try find out more but in the meantime get writing – it’s great inspiration! Urban Chick.

Friday night. The bar is filled with smart, sexy, sussed women fresh from a week hard at work. They have cocktails in hand and are deep in conversations with girlfriends, lovers or potential new partners.
They are Urban Chicks, women who live in fast paced, traffic choked, money hungry, concrete landscapes. Landscapes where working hard is as much a priority as playing hard. They’re not superwomen. They’re able to laugh at themselves, even as they struggle through their experiences.   In recent years, the blogging phenomenon has allowed internet users, male and female alike, to explore the stories behind the lives of these women and their daily battles with their relationships, with work and their individuality. Their stories are told with candour and humour. 

Urban Chick: A Users Guide plans to showcase these kinds of stories 
If you’re a 20 to 30 something, and you feel you fit into this category, then we’re looking for your stories.
Tell us about a crazy night out, a skewed work experience or a tangled romantic relationship using your intellect, wisdom and wit. 
Visit the website www.urbanchick.wordpress.com for more information, submission guidelines and examples. Also sign up with the blog for news updates, tips and hints and join the Urban Chick community.  

Send your stories to: urbanchick01@gmail.com   
PO box: 292048 Melville 2109  

Stories must be no longer than 3000 words, typed and double spaced in order to be considered 
Remember to include all of your contact details with your submission.  
Submission close end of May 2007.  

Author: admin

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