Wanna be in studio for the Most Amazing Show?

Yes the clowns from the Most Amazing Show finally went national with their very own cheesy show last Tuesday – we missed the first episode but promise to catch this weeks show! SABC2 at 22h00 on Tuesdays.

Corne and Twakkie are looking for good people to come and experience their show as part of the studio audience…Check it out:

Hey Guys, LadyGuys and Guy Ladies

We are about t…
o start recording our very own TV show! Could you believe it?

Well, we hardly can but we are looking pretty damn forward to it anyways and
so to all you golden kids out there who always believed in the Dream and shared in the Love, we just want to say: Come on! Believe it!

We want you, our faithful fans and supporters, to share the glow of our famebulb with us by being on the television as part of our studio audience.

If you would like to come and watch us – you must get hold of Howard on (011) 4829362 or EMAIL

Here are the dates:

15 January (morning and afternoon)
21 January (morning and afternoon)
22 January (morning and afternoon)
28 January (morning and afternoon)
29 January (morning and afternoon)

Okay. Keep it the faith. Keep on keeping it on…

And keep it in style of love.

Corne and Twakkie

Author: admin

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