The Gayness of being Gay

RichieRich has to be our youngest citizen journalist yet – he’s 16 years old and got in touch with us looking for a forum to share his thoughts – BRAVO RichieRich for speaking your mind… So people… what’s your take? Watch RichieRich’s star keep rising – hope you’re thinking of politics!

The on going debate whether or not to allow homosexual men into the priesthood was ended…
this week when a Vatican Newspaper denounced homosexuals as narcissistic immature “manipulators” in a commentary in support of the banning of homosexual men entering the priesthood. The commentary came after a publication of an instruction by Pope Benedict the
sixtieth banning Bishops from ordaining homosexuals into the priesthood.

Yesterday however the Constitutional Court of South Africa ruled in favor of Same Sex Marriages allowing members now of the same sex to wed. The court has given the Government exactly one year to enact the new legislation which now states that homosexual couples hold the same rights as heterosexual couples it also states now that homosexual couples will have the same status, entitlements and responsibilities as that of heterosexual couples.

Although some may now argue especially those associated with the Catholic Church that marriage should be associated with a man and a women.I do believe that all church doors of all religions should be opened to everyone. Earlier on in the year Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini stated that to be homosexual is un-African and would pose a threat towards the
Zulu nation. I believe as a society we need to learn to accept people for “who” they are and not “what” they are. I believe that homosexuals deserve just like everyone else equal rights before the law and need to be respected, wait I do believe there is a word for it &&&”democracy” yes that’s it.

We have been living in a democratic society now for eleven years yet there are still those who seem to attach a stigma to those who are attracted to members of the same sex and label them as individuals who go about doing things in a specific way like dressing and talking in such a way. The constant reminder that it is against all major religious beliefs I find amusing and if religion is going to be brought into this topic then I am sure that in the Bible it states that you shall not judge others.

Does it not also state that if you give your life to God and believe in him then you will be promised a place in his kingdom? At the end of the day who exactly are we to judge another individual regarding their religious beliefs. It is not up to us to us to make decisions on behalf of others and run there lives for them now is it? Surely all Gods are those of loving and caring ones and the majority of all religions is to love, care and show kindness as well as to spread the word of there God and to simply do onto others as you would want done to you? I am sure that we would not like to be labeled and discriminated against because of what we
now believe in.

The Same Sex Marriage Law that has now been passed does not compel any religious denomination or organization to agree or to perform Same Sex marriages should they feel that it is against there beliefs. So like everyone we all have a right to express ourselves and have our rights to our own opinion so should we not agree with it does not mean that we
would have to perform something that is against our or our beliefs but we do however have a responsibility to respect other peoples beliefs and to accept them for who they are. As South Africans we need to come together as a nation and grow, we need to accept people for who they are and work together to make this country a better place for all.

Author: admin

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