Brothers in Fashion

Do you ever feel frustrated when you go shopping and all you see is bland, bad- quality mass clothing that is way over-priced? You can change that. All you have to do is invest your money in our local designers and get them to make your clothes for you. They’re not all over-priced or exclusive… many of them are making clothes for people just like you and me. They’re Proudly South Afr…
ican and you should be too.

You may have already read about the boys from Earthquake on Represent, now we introduce you to a whole lot of inspirational up-and-comings making waves in the Fashion Industry. We start with an intervies in downtown Jozi with one of our favourite young labels… Dubstar.

Represent CHATS to Dub of Dubstars

Name: Tabane Hlahatsi
A.K.A: Dub
How he pays the rent: Fashion designer and clothing label owner
Name of label: Dubstars
Business owners: Tabane and Paolo (340ml drummer)

R – How did you get into fashion?
D – For me, it was poverty (LOL). Basically growing up, my friends used to wear these expensive Italian clothes and at some point, my parents couldn’t afford to buy me all those clothes. I used to wear second hand clothing, then one day I decided, screw this, let me learn how to make clothes so that I could lace this the way I want to. It then grew into something I am crazy about.

R- Where does the name for your label come from?
D- The musical genre Dub. I love and listen to Dub a lot. A friend of mine started calling me Dub a while back&the name then was given to my label. I think it’s also about the kind of style I represent. Dub massive. Rasta massive. Military fire-ness massive!

R- Have you received any formal training?
D- Yeah, I started out at a fashion school where I learned the basics like pattern construction etc then left due to financial constraints. The rest was self-taught

R- Have you done any formal business training to help with running your business?
D- None, I have just received some vouchers from the Umsobomvu Fund to lace my website and put together a sound business and marketing plan. So far, I have been doing things instinctively.

R- How long have you been in the fashion game?
D- Formally making and selling clothes for three years

R – What is your brand identity?
D – Street

R – What is that to you? Define ‘street’?
D –

Author: admin

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