Burn After Reading

burnafterreading.jpgThey’ve given us delicious viewing pleasure with The Big Lebowski, No Country for Old Men, The Hudsucker Proxy, O Brother where Art Thou, Fargo and… Raising Arizona. This week the multiple Academy-winning Coen Brothers latest fliek Burn After Reading, starring Braddy Pitt and John Malkovich, has US moviegoers in the popcorn queue sms’sing, tweeting and blogging away about it. The film is being released in the UK next month, and, ahh we’re not sure when it will be released in SA but we’re sure soon after. But… you can get ready to decide if you’ll watch it at home or the mall it by watching the Trailer below, reading an interesting review here,

here, or listening to one here … and…getting a Tom, Dick or Cari everday people opinion on the movie thanks to Twitter:
-… great acting + decent story that fell a bit flat. Coen Brothers can’t produce greatness every time though.
-…Can’t decide if I liked “burn after reading” or not.
-…Funny, in a dead bodies kind of way…
-…Was utterly bored by Cohens attempt at comedy Lady Killers
-…I enjoyed Burn After Reading – but I’m a Coen Brothers fan.
we didn’t get it, why were people laughing at a guy getting brutally beat to death.
had perhaps the funniest ending of all time
was hilarious and twisted…
Good mindless laughs
-…is proof that farces belong on the page not on the screen or the stage.
-…Granted, not the best thing the Coens have ever done, but maybe the best last 30 seconds of a movie I’ve ever seen.
probably the weirdest movie I’ve ever seen.
there was a lot of overacting going on. Some of it worked, some didn’t.


Author: admin

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