Lavacious South African Women on the net

Represent is just one website put together by mothership SoulProviders. Check out the latest online campaign from SoulProviders for Brutal Fruit Lavacious Lemon. It’s a promotion showcasing pictures of all different kinds of SA women enjoying the latest Lavacious Lemon flavour. We thought our readers may enjoy the concept. Re…
gister and vote for your most Lavacious Ladies… there are shopping vouchers to be won! Represent!

Here’s more from the team:

Following on from the success of the Brutal Fruit Fantasy campaign which had over 40 000 unique visitors viewing 450 000 pages during the competition, VWV in partnership with SoulProviders have launched the “Lavacious is the new Fabulous” campaign.

SoulProviders Creative Director Sarah-Jane Boden says the concept was inspired by the Japanese “Fruits” magazine which showcases street fashion and style. “During the research phase for Fantasy we were struck by the lack of online visual presence of South African women, we decided to maximize on the sampling activities and change this by identifying and celebrating women that stood out from the crowd by putting them on the net.”

Lavaciously styled Brutal Fruit “style police” hit outlets throughout the country and take photographs of all kinds of Lavacious women sampling the new flavour. The public are invited to vote for their most Lavacious women online, two of whom will win a trend-seeking trip to Tokyo, Japan. Lavacious represents exotic, gorgeous, glamorous, strikingly stunning, zesty and trendy and the judges will choose the two women who most represent the Brutal Fruit Lavacious brand.

“We wanted to give meaning to the word Lavacious, making it the new Fabulous and at the same time celebrate the diversity, creativity and uniqueness of Brutal Fruit consumers. The beauty of this campaign is where Fantasy told us all about the consumers desires, Lavacious puts a face to the names. Now we know exactly who is drinking Brutal Fruit.” says Sarah-Jane.

“Initially we were seeking out the most trendy consumers we could find to give Lavacious a stylish edge, however as the campaign has evolved it has become more of a portrait of everyday Lavacious South African women out on the town having fun. It is a more targeted campaign as the entrants have to be in the right place at the right time to be picked, as opposed to Fantasy where any South African adult woman could enter.”

Visit before the 14 December and vote for your most Lavacious woman.

Author: admin

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