MMFSA, Turning performance into business!

MMFSA WorkshopThe Music Managers Forum of South Africa (MMFSA) is proud to announce the start of the first workshop for 2007. These are part of a series of workshops that are aimed at the young music manager and artists, to enable interaction and empowerment in this vital sector of our culture and future as South Africans. The monthly range of workshops target specific issues within Music Management, starting with the ‘live’ aspect, with the first workshop.

The workshop is set to take place on Monday February the 26th 2007 at Bassline in Newtown and will feature key-note speakers from every sector of the industry- the overall aim of these workshop is to produce a self sufficient artist community in SA – it is possible to have a career in the music industry without being a household name.

The first workshop will cover: ‘Preparing for the show’, ‘Negotiating performance agreements’, ‘Touring’ and ‘Promoting’. Key note speakers will include successful artists like Steve Hofmeyer, as well as media experts and key SA promoters.

As well a providing the catalyst and base for interaction and development, the workshops also hope to provide good networking opportunities for managers and artists.

Date: January 26th 2007
Time: Starts 14h00
Place: Bassline, Newtown

Entrance is free!

Members are encouraged to join the Music Managers Forum as Music Managers or self managed bands.

For more information please contact:

Nancy Hillary

Author: admin

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