Regardez les photos de Johannesburg!

johannesbourgALLEZ-Y! See this amazing photo-story of Johannesburg city from photographer Richard Dobson for French magazine GEO right here. Entitled “The New Barons of Johannesburg” the photographer captures the inner-city dwellers from the roughest of the rough buildings with the poorest of the poor squatters through to the most blinging penthouse apartments of the Bridge Precinct with landlords relaxing in their free-standing bath. Makes you think… doesn’t it.

Check out the RED ANTS in action – it’s not just a figment of the inner city imagination:

Red Ants in Joburg by Richard Dobson

Hope you can read French ‘coz the explanations are all in Francais but the photo’s tell it pretty much like it is anyway.

Richard Dobson apparently works for GEO but spent some of his life in South Africa. We found out a bit about him through the publishing company Struik’s website:

Richard Dobson

Richard Dobson was born in Yorkshire in 1963 and educated in South Africa between 1975 and 1983. His passion for photography began in London in 1984, when a wander through the autumn forest of Hampstead Heath with a roll of fujichrome in his camera produced crisp, saturated slides that got him hooked. Four years assisting London advertising photographers provided the experience needed to step out into the world of professional photography. He now divides his time between Cape Town and Paris, shooting advertising and editorial photography. Clients include German and French GEO, Conde Nast Traveler, The New York Times, Vietnam Airlines, Nokia and Jeep.
Enjoy! Merci a Boubou for the referral!

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