Review: Greenside: Mama Themba’s v Vide e Caffe

Mama Themba's GreensideGreenside is a fabulous Johannesburg suburb, there’s something so chilled, green and alluring about it but at the same time it keeps a low profile of sorts. Lets face it, as far as our pavement suburbs go, it lacks the grunge of Melville and Norwood, it doesn’t have the same consistent finesse (minus Jollies) of Parkhurst and you don’t get the village feel of Parkview. But is does have it’s own style.  Vida e Caffe, is our latest most favourite coffee shop!…  And the newly opened Mama Themba’s certainly adds a grungy feel.  SJ reviewed the two Greenside restaurants for you right here. (Told you Editorista would be on the prowl…)

Vida e Caffe Greenside was the first shop in the Vida Joburg clan, followed by Rosebank, Sandton and the newly opened Hyde Park. Vida lives the essence of ‘less is more’ with a brilliantly simple concept inspired by the flavours and textures of Portugal- it guarantees  an overall pleasant, relaxed experience. We love the quirky touches like the dudes who sing a little song when you put a tip in the box “Obregado” (Sharpile in Portuguese) and the other little ditty they chant for when ladies arrive at the counter… “Ola Magents check out the ladies…” (something like that) – very flirty! 

You order from the counter, there’s a simple yet satisfying menu to choose from and you get to sit at “aesthetically appealing” table and chairs (for the design-minded)… and simply relax.  If you’re lucky, there may even be a jazz performance from the very talented Marcus Wyatt or Carlo Mombelli and various supporting dishy musicians. Good taste. So good they were awarded a prize by the godfather of good taste, Wallpaper* Magazine for best coffee shop design or concept.  We highly recommend JAZZ at VIDA in Greenside on Sunday mornings or at the Rosebank Vida (The Zone) on Saturday mornings. Click here to see our Youtube clip on Carlo Mombelli at the Vida in Rosebank on a Sat or watch the video at the end of this post.  And… secret… if you go round closing time, which iis generally round 6pm, the staff hand out the remaining delicious and decadent muffins to all clientele – Mahala!

And now onto Mama Themba’s…. eish. Well first of all, we thought we’d been teleported to the 80s when we walked past the colourful shopfront and busy pavement – it’s got an old, worn look and feels like it’s been there for years. But clearly it hasn’t been there for years as it wasn’t there last year. Apparently it used to be in Linden and recently relocated to Greenside. Well anyway, our experience wasn’t particularly pleasant but maybe we’re not the clientele they are after.

First off, while we decided what we were going to have, we ordered still water and they brought us these ‘gorgeous’ looking clearly imported bottles of water. We weren’t expecting water to cost about R25 a pop, we only found out once we’d gulped it down.  You must excuse me as I tend to blank out mediocre experiences so I can’t remember the exact rands and cents. *Hint* – if water is going to be the same price as a cocktail, you need to warn people! Then we asked for a menu and were told to look at the ‘board’ which was a a scrappy blackboard with illegible writing on it- we had to crane our necks to see. 

Craning did allow us a good chance to check out the clientele who mostly resembled Mango Groove supporters from the 80’s. Old hippies. Nothing wrong with being an old hippy, particularly if you’re chilling in an equally crusty environment. We just like a little more ‘now’ and ‘stylish’. We couldnt find any food on the menu that appealed – so while my friend scanned the board, I popped off to the loo… the overwhelming ‘night before’ odours of stale beer put me off going all the way, never mind the garish mishmash decor inside. Anyone been to that shebeen tourist trap restaurant in Cape Town on Long or Kloof – dont know if it’s still there – the one where your drink comes in metal cups? It has the same vibe. 

“How embarassing” my friend said to me.  “This old style shebeen thing that’s just tatty is a bit of an insult to our people.  Maybe it had it’s place back in the day when one couldn’t go and experience township life (if you’re not a kasi peep of course) but in today’s world it’s bordering on bad taste. Especially when you can now experience the authentic thing.” Bad taste. After no service for about 25 minutes and realising my mouth was hanging open at the strange and colourful people who continued to arrive, we decided to stick to water and call it a day. Disappointing.  Friendly-ish staff. Good location. Rather go to Vida – unless you’re an old hippy that likes an ok faux-shebeen shallow experience. Then it’s your hangout.


Author: admin

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