Sunday is the new Saturday in Joburg Inner City

Check out our latest Johannesburg inner city pics here.

Blown away by the number of sold signs on buildings throughout the inner city of Johannesburg, we decided to document some of the changes for out of towners and those still too scared to check it out for themselves. The inner city is transforming before our ey…
es, it’s amazing what a fresh coat of paint and some basic interior overhauls can do to our stunning architecture.

And for those of you wanting to catch some bargains from the plethora of cheap and trendy boutique style shops, don’t even bother to join the Saturday rush. Simply drive down Pritchard on a Sunday morning, park near the supreme court, take a moment to enjoy the soaring singing from the Central Methodist Church that fills the air and get shopping. Yes, there are a few shops open on a Sunday – bargain hunters paradise.

So put away your bling, put your phone in your pocket and get walking downtown on a Sunday in the inner city – it does wonders for the calf muscles. Oh ja, remember you need cash, no credit cards etc, but at R30 – R80 a buy, you don’t need to feel nervous about carrying wads around.

Check out the pics of the city on a Sunday right here.

Author: admin

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