J’Adore South Africa… I adore South Africa winner

J’Adore South Africa… I adore South Africa winner

We missed this fabulous competition but thought we’d let you know about it as we’re sure some of you knew already and some may even have entered! Plus it means you can start working for the next one! Well, we hope there’s a next one! Congrats to the winners and enjoy GAY PARIS!!! J’adore South Africa! The competition, DESIGN YOUR WAY TO PARIS as part of the Fr…ench and South African Business relationship campaign entitled “J’Adore South Africa”, was aimed at all students studying design, multimedia, film and animation. They were asked to prove themselves with a 30sec to 2min multimedia, film or animation showing the business relationship between France & South Africa. They had to highlight the differences or similarities between these two countries and how they collaborate with each other through business. The first prize was/is a rare opportunity to spend a month in Paris at the Renault design Office WOW!!!) and their Publicis Paris Advertising Agency, with accommodation and living expenses sponsored by Renault, and Air France pledging their support with a return flight ticket. The competition’s jury consisting of media specialists evaluated the competition based Artistic interpretation of the brief, creativity, technical skills and aspects, exploration of the brief, and meeting the brief accurately. Once registered, students were requested to provide a story board accompanied by an A4 page rationale by July 25. From these storyboard entries the jury judged the concepts, and chose 50 finalists. The finalists moved to the next level, which was to produce the 30sec to 2min multimedia, film or animation in a Quicktime, AVI and MPEG format. The final 50 submissions of multimedia entries closed on September 30. The winner of the J’adore South Africa campaign’s French Briefs Design Competition 2005, an initiative from the French South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FSACCI) has been announced and 2nd year AFDA Film & Drama Design student, Brett Michael Innes is looking forward to spending a month in Paris with the Renault Design Office and their Publicis Paris Agency, courtesy of Renault. The flight will be provided by Air France. Brett’s storyboard turned to film; an intimate exchange of ideas between an African warrior and a French explorer captures the one vital thing keeping the relationship between France and South Africa flourishing in the international business sphere, passion. It is reminiscent of the African saying “When lions meet, they can move a mountain”. The 3rd prize winner is Shogan Naidoo, a third year student at Wits University who received R5000 towards his studies sponsored by the FSACCI. The second prize winner 2nd year student from the Design Center is Leungo Tumedi...

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US press under fire for racism

US press under fire for racism

Take a look at how these two situations are described VERY differently by the press. What do you think? Coincidence or a sign of the true times? CLICK HERE FOR PIC…

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SUPERDOME in New Orleans before and after

SUPERDOME in New Orleans before and after

For all of you that would like more information on the New Orleans KATRINA disaster – check out this amazing site that shows before and after satellite pics of various places in and around New Orleans. (click on orange/highlighted areas). There is also the… NOLA.com site that is all about New Orleans and has breaking stories of what is going on. It is also the site of The TIMES PICAYUNE which has a MISSING PERSONS section too. Then there’s the incredible New Orleans BLOG being run by some guys that have lived through it all – it gives you the insiders point of view , live webcam feeds, photos and up-to-date opinions. Their latest posting shows that OPRAH actually flew over the city to see the devastation. QUOTE: “This journal exists to share firsthand experience of Hurricane Katrina her aftermath with anyone interested.” AQUOIBON also found some photo’s on the net of the inside of the SUPERDOME – truly eye-opening – click here to go to FLIKR and HERE for some incredible pics of the ASTRODOME. Thanks to Rob Pegoraro from the Washington Post.com for his info and to Aquoibon as always… If anyone has any other interesting sites to send to us, please mail the...

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Scandalous Zim girl throwing name on Big Brother UK

Scandalous Zim girl throwing name on Big Brother UK

Our Northerly Neighbour (you know who) must not be very amused by what this saucy young liberated Zimbabwean lass is getting up to on Big Brother UK – pomping in the jacuzzi, menage-a-trois, kissing other gals, talking junk, telling lies and exposing her voluptuous naked flesh for the millions of UK viewers… MAKOSI MUSAMBASI is a true blend of free spirit and lossie.TRONG Makosi has lived in the UK for only 7 years and works as a nurse for about R200 000 a year. She has a South African Mom and Mozambican Dad, but grew up in Zimbabwe for most of her life… Apparently she went to Roosevelt High – is that the one in Joburg? In the latest scandal to be uncovered by the very greasy SUN newspaper, Makosi is actually an actress who was paid about R8000 to take part in the series. Click here for more from the SUN. Well tomorrow is B-day as the winner is announced – watch the press for more juicy details of this SCANDALOUS girl. SO WHAT DO ZIMBO’sTHINK? A British-based Zimbabwean website, newzimbabwe.com were NOT HAPPY AT ALL. Their shame and distaste reads like this: THIS is the bare torso of Makosi Musambasi as seen by seven million British television viewers on Tuesday night. (see pic courtesy of newzimbabwe.com) The 24-year-old cardiac nurse who grew up searching for fame and ended up in Phillip Chiyangwa’s bed [Ed: apparently Bob’s nephew] is taking part in the hit British reality TV show Big Brother. Last week, her dad Rich Musambasi said: “Kosie is a good girl. She will not do anything bad. I am sure she will make us proud.” If this is not bad, then what is? New Zimbabwe.com was slated by hundreds of Big Brother fans when we first raised attention to Makosi’s odd antics. This vociferous group who would cheer a public execution by no means represents the wider working class Zimbabwean public making an honest living. The picture they portray is that of a few belligerent conservatives holding the country back and pulling down the shutters to civilisation and modernity. Hardly! Makosi’s case is about a poisonous mole burrowing into the core values that have held our societies together for centuries. The British taste of decency certainly is too liberal. What is entertainment in Britain often has an air of voyeurism and there is a shared delight in blood sports. Being gay is seen as advancement, no wonder there are THREE of them in the Big Brother house. Sadly, Makosi has put herself and Zimbabwe among this disparate gaggle put up for public humiliation by television executives, rather...

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The G-string is on it’s way out… Long live the FULL PANTIE

The G-string is on it’s way out… Long live the FULL PANTIE

Yip, it had to happen… a return to the comfort of touche hugging panties and goodbye to the g-string! Women all over the world have proven that comfort will beat fashion by rejecting the g-string and turning back… or forward (depending on their age!) to fuller undies, even boxers, tight fitting shorts and full brookies are preferred by the majority of women these days. RONGLet’s face it, rare was the occasion where a g-string sticking out a pair of jeans was successfully pulled off. Mostly, it looked tacky. Does this mean the visible panty line is back? Let’s celebrate! Read more from this article in the UK TImes...

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REPRESENT*ZA explains exactly who we are

REPRESENT*ZA explains exactly who we are

If you’re been wondering what REPRESENT is all about we’d like to explain – There have been questions posed as to whether it’s an entertainment site, a magazine, or just a look at Urban culture and entertainment…? Well, it’s a combination of all those things… we like to call it a BLOGAZINE – it’s the combination of a blog (to be explained shortly) and a web magazine which fe…atures a lot of Urban underground entertainment and social commentary. Have you heard the term CITIZEN JOURNALISM? Citizen Journalism is exactly what it says – people writing about the people, for the people… without the restrictions of editorial, bosses, brands, sponsorship – it’s a new breed of journalism that is sweeping the internet world by storm. South Africa has been a little slow on the uptake but we’re getting there – one of the biggest platforms of CITIZEN JOURNALISM is BLOGGING, there are nearly 10 million blogs throughout cyberspace. BLOGS are individual text-based web spaces typically run by individuals, who start a BLOG using existing and free software and update it on a regular basis with their views, news and opinions. They cover everything you could ever imagine. From the bizarre to the absurd. What differentiates a BLOG from a NORMAL WEBSITE? Well besides the fact that you don’t have to buy a website, a name, the space and pay a monthly premium ie it’s a free platform, a BLOG also allows for two-way information interaction, where readers and web people can comment, send in content, post their thoughts and opinion. That’s why Represent call’s itself a Blogazine. We encourage free content, speech and interaction. We want to share information and empower people with knowledge – like a magazine, but we also want people to empower us – like a BLOG. Represent is run by two people – the content-generator and editor – “EDITORISTA” and designer cum techno fundi “AQUOIBON“, however much of the editorial content is sent in by everyday South African’s, some of whom we only have cyber relationships with to date and have only met since the site is up-and-running. Represent does tend to have a strong JOBURG focus however, it’s essentially a SOUTH AFRICAN BLOG. It’s been strongly SA focused to date and will remain that way, however, as we grow and the incoming content expands and we learn the tricks of the web trade, we want to maintain a GLOBAL outlook, we want to open reader’s minds and in order to do this, it is imperative that we have GLOBAL REACH. We’re about sharing information and opinion and show-casing what’s going on. So now we hope...

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